(更新日期:1/9/2022) (浏览次数3188)
我们一起经历了刚刚过去不容易的2020年, 感谢侨社朋友们在疫情和治安隐患下坚持乐观顽强的精神, 祝各位在新的一年诸事顺遂,阖家安康!

新的一年开启新的希望! 鉴于芝加哥特别是中国城严重的治安隐患以及对华人社区生活和工作的影响, 大芝加哥地区华侨华人联合会根据侨社的诉求,  邀请法律顾问黄正东律师事务所整理并以专业的法律知识和语言起草了一封致芝加哥市长的请愿信, 代表华人社区对于日益恶劣的治安问题发声! 附件是“ 大芝加哥地区华人社区关于目前治安危机给市长的请愿信”,我们 邀请各社团联署签名,排名不分先后, 让我们共同为社区的治安发声!请各社团在1月11日前回复。 

郑 征 (630)667-3183     汪兴无(847)340-9298    黄正东  (312)925-5817  胡晓军 (312) 4053155             栾文琦 (847)609-5983   何达权 (312)560-5706    刘炯玲(847)217-1688      何振宇 (708)316-8816         朱萍萍 (630)863-1868   王涛(847)363-5990     吴 灏  (630)881-4216    陈 青   (312) 291-6328         梁琨  (773)551-0498   


尊敬的芝加哥 Lori E. Lightfoot 市长,
2021 年 12 月 27 日,1000 多名愤怒的民众不顾寒冷的天气,在芝加哥唐人街华埠街道游行,抗议 针对无辜美籍华人的无情暴力伤害。 当地华裔社区领袖、商人、律师、餐馆工作人员都积极参加 了这次示威:
• 2021 年 12 月 7 日,71 岁的华埠居民谢焕新在离家去买报纸的途中被一名 18 岁的男子连 开 22 枪残忍杀害。
• 2021 年 11 月 9 日,24 岁的中国学生郑少雄在芝加哥大学校园内被枪杀。
• 2021 年 9 月 27 日 , 57 岁的外卖员邵先生在送餐路程中惨遭枪杀。
• 2021 年 2 月 9 日,两位中国城的居民 36 岁的边华一和 38 岁的熊伟忠同一天被谋杀。
• 2021 年 1 月 9 日,在芝加哥大学发生了另一起中国青年学生范轶然的致命枪杀案。
• 2020 年 12 月 21 日年仅 33 岁的关帅晚在桥港区发生被枪杀。

在严重的疫情中,芝加哥华埠的治安急剧恶化,抢劫、劫车和枪击事件在华埠越来越频繁,芝加 哥华裔社区的安全受到严重威胁。 根据芝加哥警方的数据,芝加哥华埠今年的暴力犯罪率上升了 百分之五十五。 近年来,芝加哥华埠社区经历了许多起武装抢劫、枪击和劫车事件,使我们这个 紧密相连的华人社区成为了犯罪分子实施暴力的目标。

够了!够了! 我们的生活不再安全,我们正在经历治安危机。因此,我们强烈要求市政府制订一 项能切实解决问题的长期规划,将反暴力作为首要任务,增加芝加哥华埠社区的监控和警察巡逻。

1. 我们呼吁市政府采取重大的枪支管制措施,杜绝有犯罪史、被判刑或精神疾病的人获得枪支。发生在华埠的抢劫、破坏和劫车等恶性案件中,枪支暴力是造成死亡和受伤的主要原因。
2. 我们呼吁市政府向白宫请求国民警卫队的帮助,因为芝加哥的野蛮暴力正在失去控制。
3. 我们呼吁市政府增加、改善和推进警务工作,确保人道的、有效的、合法的执法行为,并充分 贯彻保护居民的宗旨,补救华人社区居民,特别是华埠居民对警察信任的减弱所产生的任何伤害。
4. 我们呼吁市政府在州检察官办公室和芝加哥警察局之间形成更强大的伙伴关系,制定出解决惯 犯问题的方案。
5. 我们呼吁市政府回答我们一直都在寻求答案的重大问题,即为什么惯犯似乎这么容易重新回到街道上。 在所有发生在华埠社区的悲剧中,那些可怕的谋杀案大多是由惯犯犯下的。
6. 我们呼吁市政府与华人社区的代表定期举行会议,并与华埠居民合作,落实法规,倡导州和联 邦有关公共安全和预防暴力的政策和立法。
7. 我们呼吁市政府增加对华埠社区的警力,加强巡逻,并在财政上支持华埠的居民组织起来,保卫华埠社区。
8. 我们呼吁市政府在华埠地区增加更多的警察监视(POD)摄像技术装置。 华埠社区期待与市政府和芝加哥警察局以及当地市议员合作,为保护华埠地区制定一项长期的技术方案。
9. 我们呼吁市政府大力加强设立在华埠的邻里守望队,并为其提供资金支持。 改善华人社区治安的最好办法就是让整个社区居民都参与进来。

芝加哥华人社区认可并捍卫民主、自由和宪政的价值。 然而,我们生活和工作的社区现在被笼罩在治安的危险和恐惧之中。 我们的生命和财产陷于前所未有的不安全境地。 现在是市政府高度重视华人社区的安全状况,并采取实际措施改善唐人街以及周边地区的安全状况的时候了。我们属于这个城市,我们也是这个城市的一部分。居住在华埠的居民希望在安全问题上与 Lightfoot 市长、当地市议员、库克郡检察长和芝加哥警察局建立更密切的联系。


January, 2022
The Honorable Lori E. Lightfoot,

On December 27, over 1000 people walked through Chinatown holding signs calling attention to crime in their neighborhood despite the cold weather, some businesses closed down for a couple of hours to show their support. Local Chinese American community leaders, merchants, lawyers, restaurant workers
actively participated in the demonstration:
• On December 7, 2021, 71-year-old Chinatown resident Woom Sing Tse was brutally murdered by an 18-year-old man who fired 22 shots at Mr. Tse when the aged man left home to buy a newspaper.
• On November 9, 2021, the murder of Zheng Shaoxiong, a 24-year-old Chinese student occurred on the campus of the University of Chicago.
• Another fatal shooting of young Chinese student Yiran Fan at the University of Chicago occurred in January 2021.
• On Sept 27, 2021, Qiaoming Shao, 57 was fatally shot while delivering food in Chinatown.
• On February 9, 2021, 36-year-old Huayi Bian and 38-year-old Weizhong Xiong were murdered on the same day in Chinatown.
• On December 2, 2020, Shuai Guan, 33, was shot in his chest while calling 911 to report individuals who were trying to steal his car near his home.

Security in the Chicago Chinatown and nearby neighborhoods have deteriorated dramatically under the epidemic, as robberies, carjacking and shootings are getting more and more frequent, putting the safety of Chicago's Chinese American community at serious risk.

According to Chicago police data, violent crime is up 55% in Chinatown this year. Chicago Chinese community has experienced more armed robberies, shootings and carjacking in the recent years, leaving our tight-knit community feeling targeted.

Enough is enough. We are no longer living safely, and we are experiencing a security crisis. Therefore, we strongly demand that the city administration adopt a long term solution, make anti-violence a top priority and increase surveillance and police patrolling at the Chicago Chinatown and nearby neighborhoods
1. We call on the city administration to adopt significant gun control measures and eliminate access to guns by those who have history of crimes, convictions, or mental illness. Gun violence is the leading cause of death and injuries in the cases of robberies, vandalism, and carjacking that occurred.
2. We call on the city administration to request the White House for help from the National Guard because the brutal violence of Chicago is getting out of control.
3. We call on the city administration to increase, improve and advance policing, ensure humane, effective, and lawful enforcement practices, and fully implement the spirit of protecting residents and remedy any harms caused by erosion of police trust among residents of the Chinese community.
4. We call on the city administration to form a stronger partnership between the State’s Attorney Office and Chicago Police Department to work out a solution to the repeat offender issue.
5. We call on the city administration to answer the big question we are all asking why repeat offenders appear to be getting back on the streets so easily. Among all the tragedies that happened in the Chinese community, most of those horrible murder cases were committed by repeat offenders.
6. We call on the city administration to hold regular meetings with the representatives of the Chinese communities and collaborate with the residents in Chinatown to implement local policy, and advocate for state and federal policy and legislation related to public safety and violence prevention.
7. We call on the city administration to increase police patrols in Chinatown, encourage and financially support the Chinese residents in Chinatown to organize and defend Chinatown.
8. We call on the city administration to add more Police Observation Device (POD) camera technology to the Chinatown area. The Chinese communities look forward to working with the city administration and Chicago Police Department and local aldermen to develop a long-term technology strategy for the areas of Chinatown.
9. We call on the city administration to greatly enhance and provide funds to the neighborhood watch team in Chinatown. The best way to improve the security in Chinatown is to get the entire community involved. Chicago Chinese Community share and defend the values of democracy, freedom, and constitutional 

government. However, the communities where we are living, and working are now shrouded in danger and fear. Our lives and property are at risk as never before. It is high time that the city government pay great attention to the security situation in the Chinese American community and take practical measures to improve the security situation in Chinatown and nearby neighborhoods . We belong to the city, and we are part of the city. The residents desire to build up closer contact on safety issues with Mayor Lightfoot, local aldermen, Cook County Attorney General and Chicago Police Department.

The Chicago city government has the responsibility and obligation to ensure the safety of our Chinese American community in Chicago. We sincerely hope that the city government is hearing our voice and starting to take concrete actions. 

Chicago Chinese American Community
Prepared by HUANG & HU PC
Signed by:
Chinese American Association at Greater Chicago





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