While the first 30 years of new China's scientific development was a self-reliant era marked by the detonations of the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and the launch of the first artificial satellite, the second 30 years after the reform and opening up was signified by the introduction of the Internet to China. Weimin Wu is a unique legendary figure whose career spanned both periods. He not only contributed to the bomb and satellite projects, but also sent out the email from China to Switzerland in 1986, which was listed as the first event in the history of China's Internet development. The Tiananmen Square Protest in 1989 changed his life's trajectory, leading him to eventually immigrate to the US. His personal emotional life is also remarkable. With his experiences immersed in both Eastern and Western cultures, Wu came to believe in the convergence theory of social development, which provides a refreshing perspective for the readers.
The autobiography records the details of his legendary life stories, from taking pictures with the Chinese leader Mao Zedong, to shaking hands with Deng Xiaoping; from being removed from the Institute of High Energy Physics, to the repealing of his Chinese passport. The story line is full of engaging ups and downs. In that turbulent era, Wu's rich emotional experiences and love stories were also a mirror for the Chinese society, with some details comparable to the plots of suspense novels and movies. The book is well illustrated with many pictures and flows smoothly with a simple writing style. The stories are factual and moving, all too realistic. The author has sincerely revealed his true self to the reader, and at the same time, faithfully described that period of history, giving the reader a grasp on the true workings of history. His comparison of the Eastern and Western cultures, analysis of science and superstition, interpretation of religion and arts, and his "convergence" theory of social development, are all unique and insightful. This book faithfully tells Weimin's professional and personal life on the cusp and takes readers on a journey to explore true history through an ordinary person's stories.

本自传的作者吴为民是著名的华裔物理学家,他一生的经历独特而传奇,曾参加 过中国第一颗原子弹的研制,参加过中国第一颗人造卫星的发射,并且还是被列为 中国互联网发展历史第一条发出电子邮件的人。
在作者十六岁那年,他考上最后一批留苏预备生,但由于中苏关系破裂没能去往 苏联,从而进入复旦大学原子能系。毕业后考上文化大革命前最后一届兰州大学现 代物理系的研究生。在文革十年浩劫中,他经历了难以想象的苦难。文化大革命结 束后又被高能物理研究所选送为最早的一批学者到欧洲核子研究中心 (CERN),师从诺贝尔奖获得者斯坦伯格做研究。1989年的动荡迫使他移 民美国,在费米实验室从事高能物理研究直至退休。
本书详细记载了他的传奇故事,细致描写了其一生所经历的风风雨雨,从与毛泽 东一起合影,到与邓小平握手;从被研究所除名,到护照被废除,内容跌宕起伏, 扣人心弦。在那动荡的年代里,他丰富的情感经历也是中国社会的一面镜子,其中 一些情节堪比小说与电影里的故事!
书中图文并茂,文笔简洁、流畅,内容真挚、感人,非常贴近 生活,真实可信。作者坦诚地将最真实的自己展现给读者,同时也真实地描写了那 段历史,还原历史的本来面目,让后人以此为鉴。他对东西方文化的比较,科学与 迷信的分析,宗教与艺术的解释,以及社会发展"殊途同归"的论点,很有独到之 处。
购买此书请联系 weiminwu3491@hotmail.com
该书英文版【Life on the Cust】于2016年3月出版