(更新日期:2016/3/20) (浏览次数9378)
【作者:Mark Su】2016年3月16日,就在美国伊利诺州初选后第二天,我收到了川普(Donald Trump)用电子邮件给我写的信,我给他会了信。

2016年3月16日,就在美国伊利诺州初选后第二天,我收到了川普(Donald Trump)用电子邮件给我写的信,我非常兴奋,终于有机会和川普对话了。

在2007年初,我偶然在书店看到川普写的书“Trump 101, the Way to Success”,立即被他这本励志书所吸引,后来把它翻译成了中文,起名《川普成功之道101》.后来我又读了他写的其他几部书,成了他的读者粉丝。





所以,今天,我作为一个美国公民给川普写信进言,也是想发挥一下我做这个社会公民的责任感 !下面是信的全文,










Dear Mr Trump,

Thank you for your letter of March 16, 2016.  Congratulations with great work towards 2016 presidential campaign you and your teams did in last few weeks.

I have been watching you in past several months for your hard work towards your goals, and very excited about the progress you made every week, every month, in every city, and every state.

The reasons I have enthusiasm with your campaign, are not only I am an us citizen, which I take my responsibility and participation for this country, but also I am big fan to you.

On March 11, 2016, I spend several hours waiting on line to participate in your event in UIC Pavilion, Chicago. I was so excited at that time to expect see you in person in Chicago, I thought that's my lifetime experience to see you in person.


Unfortunately the event was canceled and I didn't have chance to meet you. I have seen the conflict situation happen at that night, many people argue, fight with hostility. So I saw the way towards presidential election is not easy! I am appreciating your courage, and your wisdom.

I believe you are more independent than other candidates, as you didn't take money from any interest group. I think this is very important to be the president of United States, because in such situation you will not make preference for interests group or community, and will make fair decision for most people of country.

There is long way to go till formal presidential election of this November, I hope you keep effort every day. You already have a good beginning, and you did lots action, the next you need is keep doing, never give up, and don’t fear, you will make it.

You still have lots opportunities to learn, to adjust, and to improve your campaign in next 200 more days.  Hope you open your eye, open your mind, listen to people, this will let you make more right decision, less faults, make you more success. If you become president of this nation in future, to keep this attitude will make you more successful, together, as you said, we will make American great again.

Thank you and best wishes,

Mark Su


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